Sunday, October 28, 2007

Attack by Rustic Beast Thwarted!

Dr. Bo Roddey came to the group’s rescue today when he fought off the advances of a strange metallic, bug-like creature. Armed with a bag of antibiotics and his trusty walking seat/stick, he courageously confronted the beast and, after discovering the creature’s theological framework, immediately engaged it in a discussion of pre and post-critical naivetĂ© which discomforted the beast so much that it is now in hiding as a coat rack in the entrance area to Nimrod’s Fortress.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful Sunday here in Charlotte.
Thinking of you and will share blog with Johnston Rhoads Class in an hour. Look forward to more posts. Stay healthy and watch out for Dr.Roddey's pills/Love Bill and Cathy Bradford

Anonymous said...

Whoa, is that Bo Roddey? Must be! Must've been! Could've been fun to see that!
Caroline Roddey