Saturday, November 3, 2007

Journey’s End Has Arrived

Two weeks ago we set off on a grand journey. Today it comes to an end. We return to Israel and fly out of Tel Aviv late tonight. We have enjoyed the sites, and have been awed and inspired. We have strengthened existing friendships, made new ones, and shared unforgettable experiences. It will take some time to process all we’ve learned and experienced. But we have been changed by this land and its people.

Never again will we hear news of this region and be indifferent. Never again will be hear of consultations and diplomatic pronouncements without thinking of the homes we have been in, the people we’ve met, or the awe inspiring power of the land.

May God bring peace in our time, and may we, to the extent we have been changed by our travels, be instruments of that peace in our homes, our communities, and our world. Salaam, Shalom, Peace!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I came across this series by chance and have loved going around with you all, to places very dear to me. I'm sad you didn't get to Nablus (Shechem) where they are suffering so much.

But thank you for sharing your trip.