Friday, November 2, 2007

Farewell to Seven and Prayers for One

The Israel-West Bank portion of our trip is over. Tonight we bid farewell to two of our Florida travelers who are heading on to Egypt. Two more from Florida and three from NC return to the US as well. We have made lasting friends. Though we didn’t know most of them when we began, now they are “family.” Traveling together on a small portion of life’s journey can be a powerfully bonding experience.

Apart from walking many miles together, we share in prayers for one of our number. The tour host from Florida traveling with the four, was called back to the US early in the trip because her husband had been hospitalized. Along the way we were informed that the situation is dire. Her husband had had a stroke as a likely result of brain cancer and his remaining days are limited. So we prayed and we pray for her and her husband and family at this difficult time.

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